Guide Right is a national service program of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
The purpose of the guide right services program are to place the training experience and friendly interest of successful men at disposal of the youth needing inspiration an counsel regarding their life choices, career, and to arouse the interest of the entire community in the problems of youth as they seek to realize lives of usefulness.
Our Guide Right program encompasses our Read Across America Program, Scholarship Bank, Book Drive and Kappa League program.
The basic objectives of the Kappa League program are:
To inform students of the values of higher education.
To provide assistance with scholarships, loans, and professional opportunities.
To assist students’ progress towards their chosen career path.
To afford underrepresented youths a respite from the drudgery of the streets, through sponsored trips to ball games, bowling, paintball, and other activities
Guide Right is a national service program of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
The purpose of the guide right services program are to place the training experience and friendly interest of successful men at disposal of the youth needing inspiration an counsel regarding their life choices, career, and to arouse the interest of the entire community in the problems of youth as they seek to realize lives of usefulness.
Our Guide Right program encompasses our Read Across America Program, Scholarship Bank, Book Drive and Kappa League program.
The basic objectives of the Kappa League program are:
To inform students of the values of higher education.
To provide assistance with scholarships, loans, and professional opportunities.
To assist students’ progress towards their chosen career path.
To afford underrepresented youths a respite from the drudgery of the streets, through sponsored trips to ball games, bowling, paintball, and other activities
Guide Right | Kappa League Program
Guide Right is a national service program of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
The purpose of the guide right services program are to place the training experience and friendly interest of successful men at disposal of the youth needing inspiration an counsel regarding their life choices, career, and to arouse the interest of the entire community in the problems of youth as they seek to realize lives of usefulness.
Our Guide Right program encompasses our Read Across America Program, Scholarship Bank, Book Drive and Kappa League program.
The basic objectives of the Kappa League program are:
To inform students of the values of higher education.
To provide assistance with scholarships, loans, and professional opportunities.
To assist students’ progress towards their chosen career path.
To afford underrepresented youths a respite from the drudgery of the streets, through sponsored trips to ball games, bowling, paintball, and other activities

Social Action
Program Objectives
Stay Informed: We monitor local political and social issues affecting Jersey City and neighboring areas to stay well-informed.
Community Engagement: We lead community service initiatives that encourage active participation and support within our chapter.
Social Justice
Extra meritorious service and involvement with the community and the external civic community occurs and contributions to charitable and nonprofit organizations are made.

Membership Training Academy
Membership Training Academy (MTA) is the Fraternity’s official program for men seeking membership in Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

​We seek men who serve as positive role models within our community who can help accomplish the goals and objectives of the Fraternity.
Selection for membership is based solely upon mutuality of interest between the prospective member and the Fraternity; academic ability as reflected in scholastic accomplishment; loyalty to school and country; a will to sociality; and commitment to the demands of integrated living and learning.
A person who feels he would do the Fraternity a favor by joining is not worthy of membership. No one who holds himself superior to the Brotherhood of Kappa Alpha Psi is worthy of this distinction.
Brotherhood Reclamation
"Come Home To Kappa"
​The Jersey City Alumni Chapter has an extremely active Reclamation Committee which hosts several activities throughout the Fraternal Year aimed at reclaiming inactive and non-financial members of the Fraternity. We encourage each Brother who has for whatever reason lost that spirit of “Good Kappa” and is interested in returning to the bond.